Thursday, June 23, 2011

Yes We Can See The Invisible! - Sufi Mystics Knew The Secret Too!

"How can I know you, and You are the inwardly hidden, not wishing to be known?

How can I not know You, and You are the outwardly manifest, wishing yourself to be known in everything"

What a wise Sufi saying that expresses so beautifully the universal truth!

God or the Universal Force is non-visible to us, It is the inwardly hidden, pure consciousness that has no shape nor form. How can we know It?

But the inwardly hidden is the same as the outwardly manifest, that can be seen and touched and felt everywhere. So how can we not know It?

What's fascinating is how this mystic poem written centuries ago echoes our modern-day spiritual and personal development teachings.

Our inner world creates our outer world, they are both the same. This is what the Secret book basically explains, this is what Sean Stephenson means when he says "Mentality creates Reality", this is what quantum physicists refer to as "thoughts become things".

Our inner world consists of what is invisible and intangible to us, such as our thougths, our believes, our feelings, our desires, our intentions...

Our outer world is what we label as our reality: our body, our job, our relationships, our environment, our finanical conditions, etc..

And off course you must know by now, to change our outer world, we need to change our inner world. But how to change this inner world that we can't see, nor touch, and that most people aren't even aware of?

How can we know what's in-there in this invisible formless inner-world??

Well, it's simple. Just look at your life!

Look at your job, look at your energy, look at your relationships, look at your financial situation, look at your health, look at your environment.. Find where is it that you prosper? Where is it that your struggle? Are you rich or poor? Victorious or defeated? Happy or grumpy?

You see, it's clear, it's already out there! Even without long hours of introspection and self-analysis and meditation, you can still guess what your inner world is from your outer reality!

Indeed, how can we not know it, and it is manifested everywhere, in us and all around us?

So please have a good look on your world, and cheer up! If you see what you don't like, that's ok, it's just a mirror. You are beautiful inside if only you remove some of the dusts and dirt that you picked up along the way. Get rid of these negative thoughts of lack and unworthiness and undeserving, remove these gilts and regrets from your hearts, clean these limiting believes that are holding you, and watch your real beauty manifest in a world shining with glory!


What about you? How do you become aware of your thoughts and believes? Do you carry a journal and do inner-work exercises? Do you analyse your reality? Share with us your best practices on how to uncover our hidden world!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

None But Ourselves Can Free Our Minds - Inner Freedom The Bob Marley Way!

"Emancipate yourself from mental slavery
None but ourselves can free our minds “

Bob Marley, Redemption Song

Who doesn't know Bob Marley? This freedom icon has penetrated the world consciousness with his music and message. Wherever you go on our planet, you'll find Bob posters hanging, and you'll hear his music playing. At an age where no internet no social networking existed, Bob transcended cultures around the world, uniting people from different countries, races and religions.

In the timeless Redemption Song, one of the last songs he ever wrote, Bob says it all: None but ourselves can free our minds!

These words take an even deeper meaning when we remember who Bob was. He was a descendant of black captives deported to Jamaica, and his people had suffered 400 years of slavery. In this song Bob calls people for freedom, but not freedom from external conditions, not freedom from political systems or freedom from outside chains... but freedom from mental slavery!

Yes Bob was an inspired mystic, and he knew the Secret too. Freedom, wealth, abundance, health, you name it, starts first and foremost in our mind!

Can you see that all inspired persons from different traditions, basically say the same thing? Whether it's entrepreneurs or musicians, teachers or prophets, eastern or western, rasta or yoga.. the message is one: we've got to take responsibility of our lives, and it all starts in our minds!

So won’t you help to sing, this song of freedom...

What other music songs inspire you? Share with us and let us know in the comments below.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Just Undo It! - How To Break Free Forever From Your To-Do List!

If you're like most goal-oriented people , you probably organize your life with endless to-do lists that you make every night before you sleep and pursue every morning when you wake up.

You probably prioritize your to-do items, organize them in different categories, and take pleasure in checking them off once they're done. But what is most probably true is that you continuously feel frustrated from all those items that remain undone, and from all those to-do things that keep on adding up on your lists as you go!

It seems that life is a race between you and your to-do list, a race that you can never really win! No doubt you feel stressed, overwhelmed and frustrated.

But that's not your fault! It's the fault of the primitive to-do system that we use to organize our lives!

So here we go.. let's break free from it all!

Tony Robbins in his program Time of Your Life explains very powerfully why to-do lists are not efficient and why they cannot yield to a high quality of life.

It all comes back to this: what's the question that you ask yourself in order to develop your to-do list? Obviously the guiding question is: What do I have to do? Or what do I need to do? Or what should I do?

According to Tony Robbins, this is a very disempowering question to guide our life with, because when we ask this question, our brain will certainly come up with all the shoulds and the musts and the tasks that need to be done! Our focus becomes centered on the tasks ahead, and we loose touch with our purpose and with the outcome that we desire, and worse of all, we rarely feel good about it especially when we need to do tasks that are not exciting nor pleasant.

The law of attraction teaches us that we should focus on the OUTCOME. We should see and feel the outcome in order to manifest it. That's why focusing on the simple to-do items make us miss the whole point!

The law of attraction also teaches us that we should feel good about what we do! But how can we seriously feel good about en endless list of items that seem to be burdens and obligations on us? How can we not feel frustrated if our to-do list never seems to finish, and we feel that we're not progressing at all?

In his Time of Your Life program, Anthony Robbins proposes a whole new alternative for managing our time, that he calls OPA = Outcome Purpose Action. In this system, we replace the question: "what do I need to do?" with 3 new empowering ones:

1- What is the most important outcome that I desire now?
When we answer this question and list the outcomes that we want, we get in touch with our desires, we see the end result of what we want to achieve, and we shift our focus to the result we need to manifest.

2- Why is this outcome so important to me now?
Here we list all the reasons we have to achieve the outcome, all the benefits we would get by achieving it, all the pains we would go through if we don't. This question is designed to get us in touch with our purpose, and to quote Tony, to give us the fuel, the motivation, and the juice to pursue our outcome.

3- What actions can I take now to achieve my outcome?
Now we list all the actions we might take that would make us achieve what we want. Note that several different actions might lead to the same outcome we desire. So here we'll be able to choose the action we're most comfortable with, and without loosing sight of the outcome we desire.

So from now on, every morning or every night before you sleep, ask yourself the 3 questions above and write down your answers on a piece of paper. Not only you'll keep your attention on the outcome that is most important for you, but you'll also feel more motivated to take action, more free to choose your way, and more aligned with your purpose.

So drop that to-do list and forget about it, and clear your mind from all the stress feelings and overwhelms. Life is much more exciting and joyful than to manage it by a linear to do-list. So just undo it!


How about you? How do you manage your time and your days? How do you keep the balance between being a high achiever with lots of work "to do" and still feeling free and aligned? Do you use to-do lists or do you have any better way? Does this OPA system speak to you? Share with your feedback below!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Faith Building - The World Is Your Gym!

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve!
Believe it till you see it.
Ask, believe and receive.
Believe in your self.
Have faith.
You can do it if you believe you can.

OK Ok we got it, we've got to believe! It is said everywhere and by almost everyone, in personal development teachings, in spiritual traditions, even in pop culture and our grandma wisdom!

But how can we actually believe? What does it mean to have faith? Many of us do understand what faith is conceptually, but when it comes to the real world, we're not so sure of what it really is.

Faith is not this metaphysical abstract concept. Faith is a very down-to-earth attitude and behavior that we can learn and practise. And no it is not kneeling on your knees to pray, and not repeating endless mantras and affirmations.

To have faith comes back practically to 2 things:

1- Choosing always and always to interpret life events and circumstances with a thought that means "it's going great"! Whatever happens in our life, we can interpret it the way we choose. When we have faith, we always choose the interpretation that supports us in the direction of our desires and dreams.

So to illustrate this for you, say for example that your business results are not doing well. Don't think about bankruptcy, choose to think that it's temporary, that you'll learn a great lesson from it and that you'll rebound incredibly. Say for example that a dear person to you is not connecting well with you, don't think that you lost the person for ever, think that this is happening so you can connect together better and even stronger later. Say for example that you have a health problem, don't think that you'll get weaker in life, think that this sickness will make you adjust your life-style and emerge healthier. Say you had a painful experience in your past, don't think that you're damaged, think that it's a blessing for you to overcome and be stronger and even help others.

You see, it's up to you to interpret any event the way you like. If you have faith, whatever happens in your life, you automatically choose the interpretation that basically means: "that's ok, i trust it's for the best and it's going to be great anyway!". Now that's faith!

Now let's move on to the second pillar.

2- Having faith is feeling calm and peaceful in the heart. Yes this is the feeling that practically faith comes down to. Whatever you face, even in the midst of turmoils, when your heart is calm, it means that you believe. It means that deep down you're not scared because you know eveyrthing is going to be all right. It means that you trust things will always turn for the best.

So keep a check at your heart. When things start getting out of control or moving in an unwanted direction, do you loose your inner calm? Does you heart feel agitated? That means you don't trust yet. And that you'll attract to you what you fear.

Be always mindful of the heart muscle. Breathe deeply and focus on it till you feel it calm and warm. Focus on the physiology and the feeling. Yes it's possible to keep the heart non-agitated! Imagine you're in a business meeting but you feel bored and sleepy, don't you still manage to keep your eyes open and a smile on your face? Well do the same for your heart! If you feel turmoil or unwanted life events, keep your heart calm through conscious control. If you're able to maintain your heart calm and peaceful throughout the day and throughout your life events, watch out, your faith will make great things happen for you!


So now that you know what faith practically is, it's time to exercise and to develop it. Just like you do weight-lifting to develop your muscles, you need to practice continuously the art of choosing always the "it's going great" interpretation, and the discipline of keeping your heart calm at all times.

After few days and few weeks of practice, your faith muscle will be so strong, that you'll be continuously vibrating the "I BELIEVE" energy, and life will prove it to you by making what you believe in become true!

And the good news is: you don't need to go to the gym! The world is your gym! Every event and circumstance is a chance for you to practice your faith. And it's also easier than lifting weights on a bench press, but Gosh a developed faith can give you incredibly more powerful results than a developed biceps!

Ok? so let's go and hit our workout! :)

What does faith practically mean to you? How do you think we can better develop this unshakable trust that we'll realize all our dreams? Please share with us below your insights too!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Would You Marry Me? - Get Inspired By An Incredibly Creative Marriage Proposal!

It's up to us to make our moments ordinary, or totally and unforgettably special!

Watch how this man finds an ingenious touching way to propose to the woman the love of his life! Guaranteed to make every woman out there dream, and every man to plan twice before proposing!

So.. how about your marriage? Share with us your stories of
creative and inspiring marriage proposals. Do you feel inspired to create something magic to light up your relationship?

Screw it, Just Do It! - The One Life Lesson From Richard Branson

Editor's note: whatever self-help book you read, or personal development teacher you follow, or success philosophy you believe in, nothing will happen for you until you take action!

Who's better to learn from about this than Richard Branson, one of the most succesful entrepreneurs and inspiring visionaries of our world? In his book Screw It, Let's Do It, Branson outlines the life lessons that lead to his success. And guess what's the most important life lesson he shares? Yes you're right: Take action! Start now! Just do It!

Get inspired with Branson's Introduction of his book Screw It, let's Do It. We print it here for your convenience.

Introduction to the book 'Screw It, Let's Do It' by Richard Branson

The press call me and my partners at virgin 'Mavericks in paradise'. There's no doubt that we tend to do things in a less stuffy way than most businesses - and I have ended up with two tropical islands to have fun on - so it must be true. And for me it works. I work hard and I play hard.

Though I have never followed the rules at every step, I have learned many lessons along the way. My lessons in life started at home when I was young. They carried on at school and in business from as early as my teens when i ran student magazine. I am still learning and hope I never stop. These lessons have done me good throughout my life. I have written them down and i hope that you will find something in these pages that might inspire you.

I believe i goals. It's never a bad thing to have a dream, but I'm practical about it. I don't sit daydreaming about things that are impossible. I set goals and then work out how to achieve them. Anything I want to do in life I want to do well and not half-heartedly. At school, I found reading and writing hard. Back then, Dyslexia wasn't understood and my teachers just thought I was lazy. So taught myself to learn things by heart. Now I have a very good memory and it has become one of my best tools in business.

When I was starting out in life, things were more certain than they are those days. You had a career lined up, often the same one your father followed. Most mothers stayed at home. Today nothing is sure and life is one long struggle. People have to make choices if they are to get anywhere. The best lesson I learned was to just do it. It doesn't matter what it is, or how hard it might seem, as the ancient Greek, Plato said. 'The beginning is the most important part of any work'.

A journey of a thousand miles starts with that first step. if you look ahead to the end, and all the weary miles between, with all the dangers you might face, you might never take that first step. And whatever it is you want to achieve in life, if you don't make the effort, you won't reach your goal. So take the first step. There will be many challenges. You might get knocked back, bu in the end, you will make it. Good Luck!

Richard Branson

So.. do you have big goals and dreams as well? Do you spend a lot of time planning and waiting for the right moment? Do you know how to turn the procrastination switch off and start acting? Share with us your experience below. And remember, whatever it is that you want, just do it!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

"Aware & Awarerer" - The New Movie By Jim Carrey!

It is our intentions. Our intentions are everything.
Nothing happens without intentions, not a single thing is accomplished without intentions.
Our intentions and desires create everything.
We are the co-creators of our reality.
We indeed are our reality.
And it's sooo much fun! :)

Enjoy this touching and fun spiritual moment with Jim Carrey!

So.. creators of your lives.. are you also keep getting the crappy seats in your own creations? :)

It Ain't Over 'Till It's Over - The Rocky Power!

Who doesn't know Rocky! This personality has captivated the world imagination and transcended cultures on an international scale. Wherever you go, if you start acting boldly and with strength and courage, chances are someone will yell at you: hey dude, who do you think you are? Rocky?

So here's a very important question for you:

What made the movie Rocky such a legendary success? What propelled the obscure Stallone into the stratosphere of international stardom?

Believe me, you need to know this answer! It's not just about Rocky and Stallone, it has everything to do with you too and with whatever you're trying to achieve in your own life!

Let's go back to the question.. what made Rocky such a legendary success? Here are few options for you:

a) Stallone's incredible acting talents
b) the big muscles of Stallone
c) high promotion budgets
d) the movie script
e) luck

OK I'll give you the answer: it's NONE OF THE ABOVE!

In fact, Sylevester Stallone was a very beginning actor when he made Rocky I, with practically no experience in acting and no skills, not to mention his funny articulation and tilted jaw! As for his muscles, well how many body-builders exist in US? Surely that's not a reason for his success, otherwise every big body-builder would have been a superstar! And for your information, the movie production and promotion cost was very low and incomparable to the movie success! As for the script, what's so special about an action movies where the good guy struggles the whole movie and wins at the end?

Must be luck then?
That's the most dangerous answer and the farthest from truth! If you believe it was luck that made the movie a legendary success, then you have to listen to this audio story and learn the real reason of Stallone's rise to fame!

Listen to the Rocky story as narrated by Tony Robbins. You need to know the truth about the force that shaped and inspired our popular international culture!

You got the answer to our question now?
Can you see that true strength and power comes not from muscles and budgets, but from the strength of determination, and faith, and willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve our dreams!

Did you like this story? Do you also have a big dream that you're trying to achieve like Stallone? Share with us your comments and let us know if this story inspires you to never give up!

Is Your Balloon About To Burst? - 4 Ways To Deal With Stress!

Feeling stressed or overwhelmed has unfortunately become part of our modern life.

When frustrations, pains, work pressures and life demands accumulate, we inevitably start feeling stressed. This stress feeling is designed to protect us, so that we can change course before it becomes too late!

Do you know how to deal with this stress feeling when it emerges?

In this great video Sean Stephenson explains the 4 ways people deal with stress, in a very illustrative and fun way! Watch it and learn how to release your stress when it emerges before you end up bursting like a balloon!

Did you like this video? Do you relate to any of the 4 ways people deal with stress as explained by Sean? Share with us your feedback and the best way for you to release your stress-balloon air!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Oprah's Secret - Witness The Incredible Power of Surrender!

Yes, Oprah's knows the secret too, long before the Secret book was published!

But what else would you expect from the most successful woman in the media world who goes on inspiring millions people and touching countless lives with her work?

It is now confirmed: we can change our lives by changing the way we think. Our thoughts do shape our reality. By aligning our thoughts and feelings with what we want, we can manifest our desires in life. Is anyone still in doubt about that?

OK to those who aren't familiar yet with the manifestation formula in the Secret Book, let us summarize it to you quickly: Ask, Believe and Receive.

You see it's not enough to ask for what we want and to believe that we can get it, it's also very important that we open ourselves to receiving it! Or to quote Eshter Hicks in "Ask and it Is Given" book, we need to allow our desires to manifest! This is where most of us get stuck, including Oprah!

But here's the good news: we can unstuck ourselves and open up to the flow of the blessings that we desire into our lives.

How? By surrendering, by letting go!

Sometimes when we want something so bad, we have difficulty in letting go of our desire. But letting go is the ultimate act of trust that would release our desire to the universe. Before we surrender and let go, we're not yet ready to receive. It is an essential and fundamental part of the manifestation process. So please, let go, and let God!

Watch this movie and witness the magic of surrendering your dream the Oprah's way!

Does this interview inspire you? Do you also have a cherished desire in your heart that has not yet manifested and you're having trouble to let go and receive? Share with us your feedback and let us know if Oprah's story speaks to you!