Thursday, June 16, 2011

Oprah's Secret - Witness The Incredible Power of Surrender!

Yes, Oprah's knows the secret too, long before the Secret book was published!

But what else would you expect from the most successful woman in the media world who goes on inspiring millions people and touching countless lives with her work?

It is now confirmed: we can change our lives by changing the way we think. Our thoughts do shape our reality. By aligning our thoughts and feelings with what we want, we can manifest our desires in life. Is anyone still in doubt about that?

OK to those who aren't familiar yet with the manifestation formula in the Secret Book, let us summarize it to you quickly: Ask, Believe and Receive.

You see it's not enough to ask for what we want and to believe that we can get it, it's also very important that we open ourselves to receiving it! Or to quote Eshter Hicks in "Ask and it Is Given" book, we need to allow our desires to manifest! This is where most of us get stuck, including Oprah!

But here's the good news: we can unstuck ourselves and open up to the flow of the blessings that we desire into our lives.

How? By surrendering, by letting go!

Sometimes when we want something so bad, we have difficulty in letting go of our desire. But letting go is the ultimate act of trust that would release our desire to the universe. Before we surrender and let go, we're not yet ready to receive. It is an essential and fundamental part of the manifestation process. So please, let go, and let God!

Watch this movie and witness the magic of surrendering your dream the Oprah's way!

Does this interview inspire you? Do you also have a cherished desire in your heart that has not yet manifested and you're having trouble to let go and receive? Share with us your feedback and let us know if Oprah's story speaks to you!

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