Monday, June 20, 2011

Faith Building - The World Is Your Gym!

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve!
Believe it till you see it.
Ask, believe and receive.
Believe in your self.
Have faith.
You can do it if you believe you can.

OK Ok we got it, we've got to believe! It is said everywhere and by almost everyone, in personal development teachings, in spiritual traditions, even in pop culture and our grandma wisdom!

But how can we actually believe? What does it mean to have faith? Many of us do understand what faith is conceptually, but when it comes to the real world, we're not so sure of what it really is.

Faith is not this metaphysical abstract concept. Faith is a very down-to-earth attitude and behavior that we can learn and practise. And no it is not kneeling on your knees to pray, and not repeating endless mantras and affirmations.

To have faith comes back practically to 2 things:

1- Choosing always and always to interpret life events and circumstances with a thought that means "it's going great"! Whatever happens in our life, we can interpret it the way we choose. When we have faith, we always choose the interpretation that supports us in the direction of our desires and dreams.

So to illustrate this for you, say for example that your business results are not doing well. Don't think about bankruptcy, choose to think that it's temporary, that you'll learn a great lesson from it and that you'll rebound incredibly. Say for example that a dear person to you is not connecting well with you, don't think that you lost the person for ever, think that this is happening so you can connect together better and even stronger later. Say for example that you have a health problem, don't think that you'll get weaker in life, think that this sickness will make you adjust your life-style and emerge healthier. Say you had a painful experience in your past, don't think that you're damaged, think that it's a blessing for you to overcome and be stronger and even help others.

You see, it's up to you to interpret any event the way you like. If you have faith, whatever happens in your life, you automatically choose the interpretation that basically means: "that's ok, i trust it's for the best and it's going to be great anyway!". Now that's faith!

Now let's move on to the second pillar.

2- Having faith is feeling calm and peaceful in the heart. Yes this is the feeling that practically faith comes down to. Whatever you face, even in the midst of turmoils, when your heart is calm, it means that you believe. It means that deep down you're not scared because you know eveyrthing is going to be all right. It means that you trust things will always turn for the best.

So keep a check at your heart. When things start getting out of control or moving in an unwanted direction, do you loose your inner calm? Does you heart feel agitated? That means you don't trust yet. And that you'll attract to you what you fear.

Be always mindful of the heart muscle. Breathe deeply and focus on it till you feel it calm and warm. Focus on the physiology and the feeling. Yes it's possible to keep the heart non-agitated! Imagine you're in a business meeting but you feel bored and sleepy, don't you still manage to keep your eyes open and a smile on your face? Well do the same for your heart! If you feel turmoil or unwanted life events, keep your heart calm through conscious control. If you're able to maintain your heart calm and peaceful throughout the day and throughout your life events, watch out, your faith will make great things happen for you!


So now that you know what faith practically is, it's time to exercise and to develop it. Just like you do weight-lifting to develop your muscles, you need to practice continuously the art of choosing always the "it's going great" interpretation, and the discipline of keeping your heart calm at all times.

After few days and few weeks of practice, your faith muscle will be so strong, that you'll be continuously vibrating the "I BELIEVE" energy, and life will prove it to you by making what you believe in become true!

And the good news is: you don't need to go to the gym! The world is your gym! Every event and circumstance is a chance for you to practice your faith. And it's also easier than lifting weights on a bench press, but Gosh a developed faith can give you incredibly more powerful results than a developed biceps!

Ok? so let's go and hit our workout! :)

What does faith practically mean to you? How do you think we can better develop this unshakable trust that we'll realize all our dreams? Please share with us below your insights too!

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